Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekly Newsletter for w/o January 24th

We will wrap up our study of the U.S. government this week by reviewing the similarities between the federal, state, and local levels of government.  Then, our favorite PENGUIN Pals will work on a summative assessment project in class.  The components of this assignment include the completion of a chart that must include at least five facts about each of the three branches of government at the federal, state, and/or local levels.  Then, this information will be summarized in a five-paragraph expository piece of writing.  Students will follow the five steps of writing incorporating 6-Traits writing skills.  This will be assessed using the Writing Rubric handed out with our 1st Quarter Report Cards.
In Math, we will apply our new decimal and percent skills to fractions.  The concepts covered in this unit include equivalent fractions, addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, fractions of a group, and converting fractions to decimals and percent.  Continue to practice basic math facts … as our favorite PENGUIN Pals are making great gains in the 100's Club!   As a matter of fact, there is another Pizza Lunch Party just around the corner!  Encourage your child to reinforce classroom math activities through the website.  The AIMS tests are just around the corner, so spending 20 – 30 minutes each night on IXL is time well spent!
Finally, the Question and Hypothesis components of the Walker Science Fair Project are due this Friday.  Have your child review his/her work to insure that the specific criteria outlined in the Science Fair Rubric are followed.  Also, the ENTIRE GREEN SCIENCE FAIR FOLDER will need to be brought to school for each due date.

* * * CORRECTION * * *

Last week your child's MAP test scores were sent home.  THIS INFORMATION DOES NOT NEED TO BE RETURNED TO SCHOOL.  Feel free to contact me regarding any questions or concerns you may have about your child's progress.
Thank you and have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekly Newsletter for Jan. 17th

In preparation for honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., last week our favorite PENGUIN Pals researched his life and his contributions that led to significant changes in Civil Rights for all Americans.  After reading from a variety of resources, students collected data to write an informational paragraph highlighting the events of Dr. King's life.   Please come in to read your child's work posted on our MLK Board.
Speaking of work, we will be connecting concepts between decimals, fractions, and percents this week.  This can be challenging, so I will be sharing a little "trick" to help students convert decimals to percent.  Ask your child to show you this nifty little trick.
We will continue our study of the U.S. government by exploring the Judicial Branch of the federal government.   Our primary focus will be learning about the Supreme Court and how the Judicial Branch provides checks and balances for the Executive and Legislative Branches of the government.
We will end this week by introducing the procedures and due dates for this year's Walker Science Fair and Projects, which are MANDATORY for all 4th and 5th grade students.  Each student will be given a GREEN SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT FOLDER containing the specific components required, as well as the correlating due dates. The Scoring Rubrics, Project Checklist, and a summary of the Science Fair Project will also be included.  A parent information letter will be sent home on Friday, as well.  It will include a summary of the Science Fair Project, due dates, and a place for students to write a brief summary of his/her Science Fair Project.  This must to be reviewed, signed, and returned to school PRIOR TO STUDENTS BEGINNING WORK ON HIS/HER SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT.  In addition, students will be required to write each component and respective due date in his/her Student Agendas.  Our goal is to have students experience scientific research in pursuit of answering a scientific question while following the Scientific Method.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Finally, your child's MAP data and student created goal sheets will be sent home this week.   Please send it back to school as quickly as possible.
Thank you and have a great week!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Weekly Newsletter for w/o Jan. 10th

We welcomed 2011 into our classroom by discussing and re-stating 


Our EXPECTATIONS to maximize our learning by:

·      Focusing and paying attention in class

·      Doing our personal best when completing all work

·      Stretching ourselves to further our achievement

·      Holding each other accountable to meet these expectations

Our favorite PENGUIN Pals also wrote awesome New Year's Resolutions!  Ask your child to share what he/she wrote and how this resolution can be incorporated into daily routines.
In Math, we will continue our work with decimals, with specific focus on ordering decimals, comparing decimal values, and using decimals in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.   Please continue practicing basic math facts nightly AND take advantage of math review activities on our favorite FREE math website:  There are a wide range of math activities, including those for computation and decimals.  Each student has a user name and password, which is taped inside their Student Agenda.  If your child cannot access the Internet at home, there are several opportunities before school starts every morning.  Have your child meet with me to make arrangements to use our school computers.
Our favorite PENGUIN Pals have also eagerly begun our unit on the U.S. Government.  So far, we have examined the Preamble and the Bill of Rights.  What has been really exciting is the level of questions being asked in class!  This week we will continue our exploration of the U.S. Constitution, specifically, Articles I through VII that outline the three branches of government.   From this, we will draw comparisons between federal, state, and local governments. 
Finally, students will take their Winter MAP Math Test this week.  Then, I will conference with each child to review the results of both the Winter Math and Reading MAP Test scores, as well as set specific goals to maximize each student's achievement.  The test results will be sent home later this week.  Feel free to contact me to discuss your child's scores and achievement data.

Have a super week!

Weekly Newsletter for w/o Jan. 10th

Dear Readers,

Attached please find our Weekly Newsletter for the week of January
10, 2011. Enjoy!

Mrs. Shivers

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Penguins Surviving Global Warming

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

When Science Meets Yummy Treats!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Creativity Awaits!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry